MICHAEL JACKSON: You Rock My World - He's back, and what a meal he has made of it. After the embarrassing reunion concert, comes the proof of the pud -- the music. And if it was by anyone else, we'd nod and go 'yeah, this is good.' But this is from Michael Jackson, Mr Thriller, Mr Bad, Mr Earthsong. And in comparison, it just isn't in the same league. (7/10) DH

PULP: Trees/Sunrise -- With a new sound comes Jarvis Cocker's band. It is a lot lighter than previous efforts and all the better for it. Attracting more and more of a dance following, this song and album is a watershed for the Sheffield-based group. But rest-assured, the sarcasm and irony of the lyrics lives on! (8/10) DH


VARIOUS: Pepsi Charts 2002 - In the same way I can't understand people who put Ibiza albums in April, what is the point of a 2002 album three months before Christmas? Ah, that must answer my question! Packed with the usual suspects, this album looks back more than it does forward but if Britney and the Backstreet Boys are what you want in your Christmas stocking, then look no further. (6/10) DH

STARSAILOR: Love is Here -- It seems an eternity see we started mentioning this group but, yes, this really is their first album. It sets the tone, and lays the foundations for what hopefully will be a long career. James Walsh's voice is what makes the album stand out.(8/10) DH