I ALWAYS thought that Bonfire Night was November 5. But it isn't -- it now starts from early October through to the end of January ... every night.

We were sitting having our tea the other night when I saw two thugs throw bangers into my garden. After they had exploded I ran out to see them running up the street.

You can't print what I shouted, but I went back indoors with the chant "Osama bin Laden!" ringing in my ears.

The people of the area who I talk to about this problem are sick to the back teeth of it, including the Asian community.

Revidge used to be a nice place to live. Now it's like downtown Beirut. And it isn't just fireworks -- there's drug dealing and the constant litter that is strewn all over New Bank Road.

It's about time the council started addressing some of these problems, starting with the shopkeepers who sell these fireworks.

In my opinion, they should only be allowed to sell them from November 1 and none after November 5.

B DICKINSON, Granville Road, Blackburn.