STAFF at Asda in Colne will be sentenced to a morning in prison on Monday as part of their fundraising campaign for Children in Need.

June Wright, Sharon Hardy, Susan Lindley and Donna Graham will dress up in prisoner costumes and set off for Strangeways Prison in Manchester, where they will be locked up until noon. They are hoping people will sponsor their antics and they will have to make their own way back to Colne.

Sharon said: "We have got sponsor sheets and we will have collection buckets on the day so we are hoping to raise a lot of money. We will have to get back from Manchester so we may be flagging down buses for lifts."

Asda will also be holding a Children in Need fun day at the store on Friday, November 16, including henna painting, a member of staff sitting in a bath of custard, a tombola, a local artists doing sketches, a silent auction and a male member of staff having his long hair cut off.