A DEMOLITION crew has started to level a derelict building in Rishton which was slammed by a fire chief as a death trap.

Fire officers rushed to the disused sausage factory on Eachill Road, after vandals set the building on fire for the fourth time in as many months this week.

Accrington fire brigade commander Pete Ashworth said he was angry his officers had been forced to go into the building where the roof was likely to collapse, saying there was a tragedy waiting to happen if youngsters carried on playing inside.

John Kerr, site manager of Timeless Properties, Park Road, Great Harwood, pledged to demolish the building to prevent any accidents from happening in the future.

The fire officer said: "This death trap needs to be fenced off or demolished. After the last fire, the ceiling is ready to collapse and the walls are bulging. It could easily collapse on my lads if they had to deal with yet another fire.

"And at the moment, kids can easily walk in so it needs to be made safe by the person who has responsibility for it."

Now an Ashworth Demolition boss said his men had fenced off the entrances to the building and secured parts of the building likely to collapse with scaffolding.

He said: "We expect to bring in the pulveriser and excavating equipment some time next week but until that, we have to make sure health and safety checks are carried out.

"The whole job should take about three weeks for four men."

Rishton councillor Ann Scaife told of her delight at the decision. She said: "This is great news and I am delighted something is finally going to be done.

"The building is a death trap and I'm sure this action will preventing a serious accident from happening."