RESIDENTS living next to the White Grove garages in Colne have strongly objected to any plans for housing on the site and have asked to be consulted at every stage of the decision-making.

White Grove is one of 69 council-owned garage sites across Pendle currently under review.

A report to the various area committees stated: "Many of these sites are no longer economically viable. They give rise to environmental and community safety concerns.

"A fundamental qustion is whether the council should nowadays be providing this service at all.

"Some sites have the potential to generate a capital receipt and have valuable redevelopment potential as, for example, brownfield housing."

It also pointed out that the garages were often in a poor condition and were a target for vandalism and fly-tipping.

Carol Riley, who spoke on behalf of all the residents, thanked the council for consulting them and said the residents had several concerns about the future of the site.

She said: "On October 30 we did our own survey and none of the residents want any building on this site.

"When it was included in the disposal programme last year the views of the residents were expressed and there was a 77-name petition against it. Vandalism only became a problem after it was included in the disposal programme and earmarked for development.

"A housing development would not be infill. It would be an encroachment in to the countryside." We are unanimous in saying yes to keeping the existing garage plots. It would be helpful for residents to have garages in line with their gardens and it would also ease the current parking congestion. A number of residents have expressed an interest in buying the land above their gardens."

"The present owners have been reluctant to upgrade the garages because they were unsure about their future.

"We now feel they should be upgraded and the council should contact local residents to offer them any remaining garage sites.

"We feel this particular site should be treated with careful consideration and extreme sensitivity being where it is, close to Alkincoats Park and the nature reserve."

Mrs Riley, who has lived there almost 20 years, said after the meeting: "I think we have pointed out that this site is a bit different. If we can get the councillors aware of how we feel at this initial stage we are hoping they will back us. We are glad the councillors have consulted us on this and have listened to our concerns."

Councillor Alan Davies said: "The council should make the best use of its resources and assests and providing garage sites across the borough as a whole does not do this."

It was agreed that before a decision was made on each garage site the area committee or the estate department should undertake consultation with everyone involved.

Members also agreed that there should be a note made of the objections of local people to this site when the item is passed back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.