EAST Lancashire borrowers who seek personal bank loans may be ruled by their stars.

The Bank of Scotland said a review of its loan book for the year 2001 had revealed a link between the type and size of loans people were taking out and their star sign.

Taureans were more likely than any other sign to take out a loan while Arians were likely to borrow the largest sums.

The bank said those born under the sign of the bull tended to be self-indulgent and materialistic, while those from Aries may be borrowing to fund their love of exploration and adventure.

By contrast Scorpions were the least likely people to need a loan, and Geminis, known for their attention to detail, borrowed the smallest amount on average.

Gary Ridsdale, the bank's head of personal loans at Bank of Scotland, said: "The research has provided a fascinating insight into the influence that the signs of the zodiac have on our likelihood to take out a personal loan, and even the reasons for so doing."