ANYONE nursing a monster hangover today and in urgent need of a fry up after the New Year celebrations should be heading to the Feildens Arms, Blackburn, for a special New Year brunch.

Celebrity chef Nigel Smith, general manager of the Mellor Brook pub, was to be serve up a real treat including sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, tomato, creamed cabbage and even venison, plus whatever else required to banish the alcohol-induced headaches and upset stomachs.

The feast of a brunch was being served between 11am and 3pm so that even the latest risers could take advantage at £14.95 a head.

Diners could then sign up for Nigel's cookery school to learn how to cook just like him and enjoy culinary masterpieces every day of the week.

The course began last year and continues every month until June covering topics such as Vegetables and Potatoes, Vegetarian Dishes, and Hot Fish Dishes.

First up though is a lesson in Healthy Eating on Tuesday January 15 for those who want to get back into good eating habits after the festive period of overindulgence.