IWAS surprised to read the remarks of Ron O'Keeffe Senior, defending recent remarks made by his son, Ron Junior, president of Blackburn Chamber of Trade (Letters, December 26).

Most worrying are the remarks about free car parking. All calls by the president for the council to grant this were his own and never voted upon by the executive of the Chamber of Trade.

My own personal view on free car parking, is, thank heavens, the council has more sense than to even consider the proposal.

In the run-up to Christmas Blackburn town centre was inundated with cars -- despite Mr O'Keeffe prophesying that no one would venture into the area due to roadworks, etc -- to the extent that I am told that the precinct car park had to close on a number of occasions as it was full.

Any more cars and there would not have been room for shoppers.

Had free car parking been granted it would also have left a large gap in the council's revenue which perhaps would have meant council tax being increased next year -- to the effect that residents who don't own cars would be subsidising drivers who might not even live in Blackburn or Darwen.

A more constructive proposal would have been for the council to institute a free bus service, perhaps linked with a park-and-ride scheme. This would have benefited both non-car owners and drivers alike and eased town centre congestion.

It would also have freed up more central spaces for the disabled and those truly dependent on their cars.

It is time to think more about people and less about profits and if people are put first, profits will naturally follow.

PAULINE VAUGHAN, Higher Church Street, Blackburn.