A MEMBERSHIP crisis at Radcliffe Round Table has forced its annual bonfire display to go up in flames.

For the first time in almost 40 years there will be no firework extravaganza in the town. Last year, it attracted more than 3,000 spectators.

The Round Table showpiece, which is traditionally held in the first week of October in Close Park, has raised more than £100,000 for local good causes. It was the organisation's biggest fund-raiser of the year.

Round Table chairman Craig Clarkson said: "In our heyday we had more than 30 members and a waiting list but now we have only nine members.

"We simply don't have the manpower to organise the bonfire, deliver leaflets, set it up and clean up afterwards. If we knew the reason why membership had declined we would do something about it. It seems to be part of a national trend.

"People have different priorities for their leisure time these days."

Mr Clarkson also cited improvement works at Close Park as a further reason for cancelling the bonfire.

"The council has spent thousands of pounds on the park this year, especially on drainage," he said.

"Rain combined with hundreds of people walking across the field would undo all that."

He added: "Whilst we are very disappointed that we are unable to hold the bonfire this year, Radcliffe Round Table are still fully committed to raising money for deserving causes in the Radcliffe area."

If you are interested in joining the Round Table and helping to rekindle the bonfire event next year, ring 07790 211482 for details.