PUPILS from Tottington High School have stepped into the garden of Eden.

The youngsters were the proud winners of a project entitled A Challenge from Cornwall, organised by the Bolton and Bury Education Business Partnership.

All entrants for the competition, the finals of which were held at Bury Town Hall, had to produce work associated with, or which had a link to, the Eden Project, now called "The Eighth Wonder of the World."

Tottington's Year Nine art class produced a wall hanging with decorative painted sections representing elements of the futuristic biomes, which are the centrepiece of the Eden Project.

And the prize was a three-day, funded visit to the project in Cornwall, and the Gardens of Heligan for the class and associated teachers.

The Tottington pupils presented their work to the education team at Eden as an example of the efforts carried out by a school 350 miles away, to stress the impact the project is having on others across the country.