DEAR Massi, I would like you to post this in Dear Massi's column.

Basically, I'm having trouble with my parents as they are so 'cultural minded'.

All I want to do is finish off my education but you are making it so difficult for me. You constantly criticise and bully me. You say I am stupid and I need to 'learn'. Everything seems to revolve around cooking and cleaning but there is life beyond that.

You want control over everything and you have suffocated me. You say I can't wear this, I can't go out, going to uni is just as bad and so is work.

You shout at me if I'm in my room. You want me to stay in the kitchen like a maid. I'm not allowed to have friends or much contact with the outside world. Why are you oppressing me like this?

It's not my fault I'm a girl. You constantly abuse me emotionally and mentally. You make me feel depressed. My soul is aching with pain and this situation is killing me. So many times I wish I wasn't me.

I wish I was someone else. Humans are social creatures,they need to be let out. Just remember one thing, Allah is my witness. This is not the way a daughter should be treated.

J in Preston

Massi Says,

You might think at this stage everyone is against you but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

From what you say in your letter this is certainly not the way a daughter should be treated. I feel some parents don't think they can trust their daughters at all and don't sit down and listen to how they feel.

In your case I suggest you try your best to tell your parents exactly how you feel. I know you might think this is fruitless but you have to start somewhere. You must make them understand that just because you want to go out doesn't mean you are going to do anything that they wouldn't approve of.

Stay strong.