I DO not understand the logic of going to attack Iraq at all. All those conditions which our Prime Minister is citing can be applied to Israel and North Korea.

Take Israel, they have flouted UN resolutions for nearly 40 years consistently without the threat of a superpower bombing them into submission. They invaded their neighbour Lebannon for 13 years without Allied troops going in to get them to withdraw. I am no enemy of the United States, the basic principles on which this country was founded should be admired.

However, wasn't it the United States that carried out nuclear attacks on Japan, and the chemical warfare against Vietnam.

How can they preach when they are themselves guilty of such acts, which is incidentally why they will not sign up for the international court.

On Iraq, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussain is an evil man. But the United States supported and trained his elite and army when they perpetuated Iraq's war with Iran for seven years! And when he gassed villagers -- despite the superficial frowns of the United States it reformalised relations with Iraq only a year later. Saddam has headed Iraq long before 1991 -- why is he being singled out now, could it be the second largest oil reserves in the world by any chance?

I would encourage everyone to write to their MP and Prime Minister and make their views heard on his misadventure.

J Blakemore, Wilmslow Road, Manchester