I HAD the misfortune recently while in company, to have to watch and listen to a programme of Robbie Williams.

I was amazed! He was rude and uncouth, but, what was most important, he cannot sing.

To attempt to put him in the same class as Sinatra, or almost any other top vocalists is an insult to them, to say the least.

Next we had a programme featuring Kylie Minogue. Again, lots of showman or womanship, but again, no voice worth talking about. I have heard better karaoke vocalists.

Finally, some comedians somewhere voted Madonna the top female vocalist of all time. What a joke! Obviously they have never heard of Jo Stafford, Dinah Shore, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, even Doris Day: the list is endless

The whole thing is a sad reflection on the listening population at large, or is it that good agents and razzmatazz are brainwashing people?

R BRACEWELL (Mr), Ormerod Street, Worsthorne, Burnley.