PUPILS at schools across Hyndburn are to hear about the dangers of fireworks from a team of police officers.

The four community beat managers will be visiting primary and secondary schools as part of Operation Enlighten, which aims to crack down on the seasonal problems caused by fireworks.

During their talks the officers will use a case study example of an elderly lady from Oswaldtwistle who had a firework put through her letterbox.

The team aims to visit every school in the borough before November 5.

Last year 1,362 people in Great Britain were injured with fireworks - 450 of them were under 13.

Other features of the campaign are the targeting of premises selling fireworks, and increasing police visibility to reassure people.

Police and fire crews across East Lancashire have already been busy with firework and bonfire incidents in the lead up to November 5.

A countywide campaign has been launched by Lancashire Fire and Rescue in a bid to warn youngsters of the dangers. And Trading Standards bosses have launched a blitz on shops who sell fireworks to youths by sending in youngsters to try and purchase goods.