TWO of Radcliffe's three council wards could be re-named.

Members of Radcliffe Area Board voted to change the names of Radcliffe South and Radcliffe Central wards. They voted to re-name Radcliffe South, which covers Outwood, Cams Lane and Allen's Green, Radcliffe East.

They also voted to re-name the current Radcliffe Central ward, as Radcliffe West. This would include Radcliffe town centre, Eton Hill and Radcliffe E'es. It was agreed Radcliffe North ward should retain the name.

The change has come about due to population changes which means that an extra ward could be created in the borough, resulting in a 17-ward council with 51 councillors, three more than at present.

Radcliffe Area Board's recommendations will now be considered by the chief executive.