A WELDER has paid the price of drink-driving with a year's driving ban.

Burnley Magistrates heard how John Morley, 22, was spotted driving erratically late at night in Barnoldswick town centre after four pints of lager.

Morley, of Ash Grove in the town, admitted driving with excess alcohol and was fined £150 with £55 costs.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, said the defendant was spotted by a special constable who noticed he was parked three feet from the kerb.

The defendant was breath tested at the police station and the lower of two readings was 58 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

Mark Irlam, defending, said Morley had been to Green Street Working Men's Club and parked outside.

He was going to leave his car there, but got a message that his vehicle was blocking the entrance to a house.

The defendant apologised for appearing before the courts.