A GROUP set up to bring cheer and chat to isolated elderly people in Bury has celebrated its first Christmas.

Contact The Elderly is now hoping to attract more hosts so it can continue to flourish into the New Year.

The Bury-based organisation meets every month at the chosen house of a host for tea, sandwiches and an informal chat. Most of its members are over the age of 70.

Regional development officer Jenny Broadhurst said: "Many in the group go for days without seeing a single person. This trip once a month makes a huge difference to their lives."

The group has a small army of volunteer drivers who collect elderly guests and take them to a host's home one Sunday every month.

Joan Haworth, who is the group co-ordinator for Bury, said: "It is wonderful to see the group together. They all love to sit and chat and for some it has turned their lives around.

"We do need more volunteer hosts. All that is required is a few sandwiches and cups of tea."

Added Jenny: "Drivers are needed just one Sunday in a month and hosts just once a year."

Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Jenny Broadhurst on 01942-217577 or by e-mail jennyb@contact-the-elderly.org