TWO brothers attacked another man because they blamed his relatives for vandalism, a court heard.

A jury at Liverpool Crown Court was told Hanif Khan grabbed Tariq Mahmood by the neck forcing him to bend over double and his brother Mohammed, known as Azzam, then hit him with one of his crutches.

Ashley Barnes, prosecuting, said the alleged attack, in a back street off Southfield Street, Nelson, happened because of problems over wires being cut in a Cable and Wireless box.

Hanif Khan, 27, of Barkerhouse Road, Nelson, and Mohammed Khan, 36, of Southfield Street, Nelson, both pleaded not guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm.

Mr Barnes said there had been disputes over vandalism to a Cable and Wireless box, which deprived people of their phone and television services. The defendants believed that a member of Mr Mahmood's family was responsible.

On July 2 they were driving along when they saw Mr Mahmood and stopped their car.

Mr Mahmood said: "Azzam was swearing at me and demanding £50 for repairs.

"I asked him not to swear at me and asked him why I should give him £50. I said he had better call Cable and Wireless, they will have a look and sort it out."

He alleged that they would not call the company out as their television set was 'chipped' and they did not get a bill. He said they got out of the car and Hanif bent him down and his brother hit him with his crutch on his neck. He blocked a second blow with an elbow.

The police were called and when interviewed, both men accepted they had been at the scene but said there had only been a verbal exchange and they had not caused any injury.
