RESIDENTS in East Lancashire with spare mobile phones after getting new ones for Christmas are being urged not to throw them out but help an appeal.

The charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People can turn unwanted mobile phones into cash to train rescue dogs to alert deaf people to everyday household sounds such as a doorbell, telephone, alarm clock, smoke alarm and fire bell.

Electronic salvage company Reclaim IT has joined forces with the charity and will pay £12 to £15 for each phone, preferably with charger and battery but will accept them without.

It takes apart the components and melts them down or refurbishes newer models and sells them on to developing countries. Reclaim will also accept used laser and inkjet cartridges.

Companies or large organisations who want to set up a donation point should contact Reclaim IT on 01635 876900 and anyone wanting to donate a phone should contact the charity's area organiser Nicky Litchfield on 01257 260988.