REGARDING Eric Leaver's article (LET, January 8), I've read with interest over the past few weeks the many letters concerning the speed camera in Great Harwood, especially so since we were caught on November 8 doing 37mph in what we thought was a 40mph zone.

This camera is positioned in such a way to trap motorists as they start to proceed downhill and on the opposite side of the road on the approach uphill, when slight increase in speed occurs. We were charged and paid a £60 fine.

My point isn't so much about being caught, but the fine itself.

Many pensioners like ourselves must have been caught and have had to pay what is the equivalent of a week's wage or pension. While people who are in work may find it a small amount.

I wonder what the outcry would have been if there was a sliding scale relating to earnings and everyone had to pay a week's wage in fines.

We did write a letter as my husband has been a careful driver for 45 years with no convictions against him -- to no avail.

Which now leaves him another very disillusioned motorist.

Mr and MrsK TAYLOR (Mrs), Beech Mount, Waddington.