THE Foreign Secretary said recently that British Muslims have 'wide understanding' of the Government's position on Iraq.

I wonder which British Muslims he consulted before arriving at this conclusion.

Let me inform the Foreign Secretary that it is not only British Muslims who are opposed to any war, but a majority of the British public have seen through the Government spin.

Is it not time that he consulted with those who may be able to offer him other viewpoints?

As to the war with Iraq: firstly, the Prime Minister states that nothing will happen without the UN's blessing. Now we are informed that Iraq will be attacked even if the UN does not agree. America has decided that they want to control the Afghanistan-Iraq-Iran corridor in order to pipe oil and gas from the Caspian to the Gulf, where there are warm-water ports for transporting oil.

They want 'their boys' to be present in the area in order to keep the local despots under their control. War against Iraq is inevitable. Iran is next.

Innocents will inevitably lose their lives in the 'collateral damage' or 'errors' during the bombing raids. I pray that not too many lives are lost and pray that not too much suffering is caused by my country's greed.

ARIF WAGHAT, Buncer Lane, Blackburn.