I OBJECT most strongly to the proposed new Metrolink tram stop at Buckley Wells, and all four "options" proposed.

I attended the consultation meeting on December 11 and was told by the Metrolink representative that the stop was necessary because there was insufficient car parking space at the town centre Interchange, and that Buckley Wells was identified because Metrolink own land there.

It thus appears to be the case that Buckley Wells is being singled out to provide a solution for a previous failure to provide an integrated transport system, rather than on the basis of researched and identified need and sound planning principles.

I asked if it would be more logical to extend upwards on the town centre Interchange car park instead, but was told that this was much more costly. I appreciate the frankness of the Metrolink representative in identifying the true reasons for this proposal.

I am a regular user of Metrolink trams and have measured the time from Bury Interchange to the proposed new stop; it is 40 seconds! The average time between Bury and Radcliffe is three minutes, 40 seconds. This hardly suggests that the needs of potential new service-users are being considered. If they were, it would surely be more logical for an equidistant location for the new stop.

I repeat, this proposal is an ill-considered attempt at an expedient solution for previous planning failure. If implemented it will serve only to create even greater problems, entirely the opposite of what good planning should be about.

I cannot see any justification for the proposed new stop, or for any one of the four options which will all have a negative impact on an already over-burdened neighbourhood.


Bradford Terrace, Bury.