WHILE I am in agreement with most of what Tony Monks said about Blackburn's orbital route (Letters, January 30), I don't accept what John Shorrock said in the same issue about town-centre traffic.

For instance, the Boulevard could do with more minibuses as, living on one of their routes, I know how they can get through the traffic and could do better if the council shifted the cars parked on that route, instead of building islands all along Wensley Road.

It was similarly aggravating when the bollards were put around Witton instead of 'No Entry' signs, as at Wilpshire, which are just as effective and more useful to the residents and the minibuses which use less fuel and are more manoeuvrable in traffic.

As for the town centre, if traffic would use the bypasses instead of coming through it, everyone would gain, especially the pedestrians!

GORDON PADGETT, Bridgewater Court, Bath Street, Blackburn.