HINDLEY Leisure Centre is making exercising easy with the launch of a new mums-only class.

The Take a Break classes run by instructor Hazel Ridge, an expert in both ante and post natal exercise, are suitable for both expectant and new mums as well as those just wanting a break from the children.

Funded through the Sure Start project Thursday classes (1-2pm) cost £1.05.

To make it easier, children aged up to three years 11 months can be dropped off at the free Drop-In Creche at 20 Borsdane Avenue for up to two hours.

The creche is available for all children living within the Sure Start area and is open Monday 10am-12pm, then 1-3pm, Tuesday 10am-12pm and Friday 10am-12pm, then 1-3pm. Places are limited. Advance bookings to Vicky Lace on 01942 776538.