I WISH to complain about the appointment system at Dr P Tidswell's surgery at the Blackburn Infirmary.

My wife has had her appointment cancelled three times since last October, the latest being when an appointment for February 20, 2003 had been postponed until August 7.

I find this situation absolutely incredible and the National Health Service should be ashamed.

S NIGHTINGALE, Harwood Street, Darwen.

Footnote: Mr John Dell, Acting Chief Executive of the Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Healthcare NHS Trust said: "I would like to apologise to Mrs Nightingale for the distress caused by the cancellation of her outpatient appointments.

We have been having problems in keeping up with demands on this service and Dr Tidswell has organised some additional clinics which will take place over the next couple of moths.

As a result, we have been able to bring Mrs Nightingale's appointment forward to March 19 and an appointment letter will be sent to her in the next couple of days."