THE fun-packed itinerary for Radcliffe Carnival has been revealed.

Saturday June 7 and Sunday June 8 are the dates to circle in your diary for the town's annual celebration.

On the Saturday the carnival parade will set off at 2pm. Back at Red Bank Playing Fields, the crowning ceremony of the new carnival royalty will take place, and there will be a fancy dress competition, Army display, majorettes and stalls.

The following day, the vintage car rally will start at 11am. There will also be morris dancing, a car boot sale, barrel organ and a further display by the Army.

In addition, Silcocks Fair will run from June 5 and June 9.

If you would like to enter the carnival parade, forms are available from the Radcliffe Times shop in Blackburn Street, Radcliffe Library, or by phoning 797 4475.