DIANE Heyes (Your Letters, Feb 21) does not understand the BNP policies. So why didn't she have a closer look while she was on the website; they are clearly defined.

Why did she pick up on only two of the thirty-odd frequently asked questions on their website and, more importantly, why has she quoted them totally out of context? The fact that the BNP can justify what they say and explain precisely what they mean, without being racist or homophobic, must really have upset Ms Heyes for her to twist the truth as she did.

The letters in support of the BNP will continue to be written until people like her stop trying to smear the party with half-truths, scaremongering and lies. As for talking about gays and mixed race couples going into hiding, she is being absolutely ridiculous.

By the way, I do always sign my letters.

S. AUSTIN (Mrs), Bury.