SO Councillor Airey, the leader of the Conservative Group on the City Council, has chosen to take himself and his colleague off the Cabinet.

What sort of behaviour is this from a person who has pretentions of standing as Member of Parliament for Morecambe and Lunesdale? Is he intending to walk out of Westminster and catch the train home every time the Opposition don't agree with him? From his outburst at the recent council meeting, this might well be the case.

Does he not realise that if he is to represent his electorate then it is essential that he stays and fights his, and their, corners?

It may be of course that he - like many others - realises that his position as leader of the group is being called into question. In fact it may well not be far off the mark to suggest there is a mirror situation with his colleagues at Tory Central Office.

Might I suggest that he remembers the old adage - don't jump into the water unless you know what is beneath the surface and that you can swim.

Political Pundit (name and address supplied).