THE death of comedian and Hollywood star Bob Hope on Sunday brought back fond memories for one man who recalled the day he came to the funnyman's rescue -- with a tie.

It was October 17, 1984, when Allan Baker, of Leyland Lane, Leyland, worked as head of operations at Preston's Guild Hall, where he is now general manger.

Allan, 54, was responsible for meeting the stars and making sure everything went to plan.

But in Bob's case, Allan says, this involved supplying him with part of his costume.

After staying at the Tickled Trout Hotel, Preston New Road, Allan said, the London-born celebrity turned up to the Preston entertainment venue, where he was billed to perform, minus his tie.

It was down to Allan to rummage through the Guild Hall's wardrobe and find a suitable replacement. "I think it's still in my wardrobe," said Allan. "I haven't framed it or anything.

"We were very sad to hear of his death, we have sent our condolences and have been reminiscing.

"For the show we'd borrowed a chaise longue and Bob was singing a number on it called High, High, High, Low, Low, Low.

"I was at one end of the chaise longue and my colleague Pete Ingham was at the other and we had to lift him up and put him down.

"It was very funny. He is definitely one of the top ten performers we've had here and I was very lucky to have met him."

It was under the management of Vin Sumner that Bob appeared at the Guild Hall just 18 months after Hollywood legend and Bob's co-star, Bing Crosby, appeared at the Preston venue.

In his career Bob hosted 18 Oscar ceremonies but never managed to secure one for himself despite collecting hundreds of other awards.

He was best known for his On the Road movies with Bing Crosby and entertaining US troops overseas.