DEREK Boden's attempt to reassure me with regard to the EU draft Constitution (Your Letters, July 15), failed miserably.

He tells me not to lose any sleep. I sleep very well at night, which is in contrast to our MPs, MEPs and trade union leaders who seem to be in that condition 24 hours a day where the threat of the EU is concerned.

Can we go back to basics? Never at any time did we give our MPs the right to give power away without our permission through a referendum.

To give away our right of self-determination was treason. Every stage towards this Federal European State has been accompanied by lies and secrecy from Maastricht to Nice. Wherever there has been a referendum allowed and countries have said "no" they have been forced to vote again.

Each treaty has been the result of secret discussions at inter-governmental conferences with the results barely trickling down to us and distorted to fit in with the europhile position.

The Convention which has drafted the EU Constitution comprises 105 members consisting of two representatives from each national parliament plus MEPs and Commissioners. The decision has come from the top down. Four-fifths of the Convention are Federalists who want a more centralised EU as a world power, necessitating further the demise of national democracy.

There is no provision for consultation with citizens or national parliaments by convention members, nor any opportunity for these to give their points of view or vote before its incorporation into the next treaty.

Mr Boden refers to one directive which seems to favour us and stands out like a petunia in an onion patch.

I do not want any directives from Europe. I want a democratically-elected UK government to decide for me on matters domestic and international.

We should have a referendum on both the Euro and the EU Constitution with all the facts made available.

JIM HOMEWOOD, Rectory Green, Prestwich.