REGARDING Helen Mead's article (LET, July 28) in which she asked: "What on earth has happened to geography?"

As a former resident of Harrogate I was often asked by mothers with small children armed with buckets and spades: "Where is the sea?" -- only to be told where the spa waters could be obtained or the Valley Gardens for viewing.

It is regrettable that the humanities are not taught in our schools. I'm always amazed when watching quiz shows on television by the ignorance of the contestants on the geography of our country.

Parents should buy their children a good atlas as a Christmas gift or, as Helen said, jigsaws of the countries of the world.

When I was a child this was our entertainment on the long winter evenings, not damaging property.

Many thanks to Helen Mead for her splendid message.

MARY HINDLE (Mrs), Walton Close, Bacup.