WHAT appeared to be a blatant attempt at character assassination of a BNP councillor (LET, July 29) following his being barred from Turf Moor was, predictably, supported by councillors from opposing parties.

It is difficult, however, to give credence to their efforts at condemnation, bearing in mind the thousands of votes that have been, and no doubt will continue to be, cast in favour of the BNP.

This reflects a strong desire to move away from the influence of those parties which, over the years, by signally ignoring or failing, for their own political ends, to address the wishes of the electorate, have presided over the decline of the town to its present restless, unhappy state.

While in no way condoning the behaviour of the BNP councillor, one does not have to look too closely at the conduct of some of the members of those other parties to agree that the saying "People living in glass houses should not throw stones" is most appropriate to them.

W J WOOD, Gisburn Old Road, Blacko, Nelson.