YOUNG people are being offered the chance to pop along to a top music festival.

Lancashire County Council's Youth and Community Service is offering music lovers aged 18 to 25 an opportunity to join a trip to the Leeds Pop Festival.

The three-day camp at the festival site will also include a tour of the city and visits to the Thackray 'Life' Museum and the Royal Armouries Museum.

Setting off from Burnley early on the morning of Friday, August 22, the group will be supervised by youth and community staff.

It runs over the Bank Holiday Weekend, returning to Burnley in the early hours of Monday August 25.

A Youth and Community Service spokesman said: "Young people wanting to take part will need their own tent and equipment. The cost of the trip is £50 which includes all admissions but you must buy your own food.

"Anyone interested in joining the trip must attend a short interview, where we will assess their ability. The full £50 cost of the trip will be payable at that meeting."

For more information about the trip contact Martin Walker at Lancashire Youth and Community Service on 01282 831200.