IHAVE to concede a grudging admiration for the way the Americans debunk their political system, though these days their foreign policy smacks of imperialism which, by comparison, makes the antics of Genghis Khan look positively benign.

Perhaps George Dubya has been reading A History of the British Empire, recalling the days when naval might and military expertise gave this tiny island a role totally out of proportion to its size. In those far-off times, Britain was "Great", ruled huge swathes of the world and needed only to despatch a couple of gunboats to quell an uprising by natives less than happy at being mercilessly exploited and turned into "char wallahs" by The Raj.

Our cousins across the pond currently have the same kind of global military dominance, though reaction to their colonialism is just as hostile but far more effective and deadly. It comes in the guise of hijacked airliners manned by suicide squads, car bombs, rocket launchers and booby traps.

However, I digress. It is Governorship of California I want to discuss. Former rock star Screaming Lord Sutch and his Monster Raving Loony Party used to brighten our elections. Given the scenario unfolding in California, he'd have had a career in politics in America.

I can't remember laughing as much over a subject which anywhere else would be a matter for serious debate and consideration among the electorate. Does the phrase "Only in America" spring to mind? On October 7, the residents of the Sunshine State, which boasts the fifth biggest economy in the world, will be asked to vote on retaining or expelling the current unpopular Governor, Gray Davis. The technical term is "recall". In reality, it could mean the sack for Mr Davis.

The voters will be asked if the present Governor should continue and, if not, whom they would want as replacement. As the deadline for applications approached, 150 people were competing to have their names on the ballot. The California Secretary of State has to compile a certified list of candidates. "Certified" is the operative word as among the candidates are a porn baron known as "The smut peddler with a heart"; a porn actress who wants to make lap dances tax deductible; a 100-year-old hospital volunteer sponsored by a chain of discount stores; a 4ft 8ins former sitcom star, backed by an alternative weekly newspaper; a comedian who smashes water melons during his act and Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Mr Universe turned movie actor, best known for his role in The Terminator films.

If media exposure and fame has anything to do with it -- and believe me, folks, in America it does, it Ronald Reagan really does -- Arnie could soon be relocating to Sacramento, the state capital.

He hasn't yet come up with much in the way of policy speeches but I can't see many people arguing with him if he gets the top job. When he says "I'll be back" he means it. Recalling Governor Schwarzenegger would prove a hell of a lot harder than ditching Governor Davis.