ADMIRABLE though recycling may be, anyone who thinks they are 'saving' the planet is sadly suffering from a delusion. The average volcano will pump out more greenhouse gases in one day than mankind will generate in one year.

People should ask themselves what happens to all the gases generated by the billions of tons of waste that occur naturally from organic decay, etc.

The forest fires currently raging round the earth are probably equivalent to 10 years of mankind's heating systems in terms of pollution.

The whole planet is constructed on a system of a giant furnace that circulates, by one means or another, its gaseous output and reburns any resulting solids.

What is happening to the so-called landfill tax and how much of it is intended to be spent on recycling and how much of it will simply find its way into the Treasury coffers to make up the shortfall in its income?

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.