I WAS shocked by your report (LET, August 5) that the new Bishop of Blackburn does not know whether the BNP is racist or not. Where has he been living throughout his adult life?

He says he is against racism and he would be worried if the BNP were like the National Front. He then shows what a sheltered life he must have been leading by showing such ignorance about the policies and actions of the BNP and its members.

Of course the BNP is racist and of course it has similarities with the National Front! He also needs to find out more about their other destructive policies.

I am surprised by the new Bishop's naivety in making such a comment in East Lancashire after the election results of the last two years. I would have expected him to have done a little more homework before taking up his new post.

I hope that the Bishop takes a proper stance against the BNP and the racism it promotes.

COUN DAVE HARLING, (Corporation Park Ward), Selbourne Street, Blackburn.