FORGET the Atkins Diet. I've found the perfect way to indulge my cravings for chocolate and crisps and bask in those virtuous dieting feelings at the same time.

It's called the diet of two halves, it's one I've made up myself -- the only problem is, it doesn't help weight loss, but you can't have everything!

Unlike the Atkins Diet, which some scientists believe may be unhealthy (Really? Snacking on bacon fry-ups and cream is bad for you. Who'd have thought?), my eating plan is very healthy -- at least during the morning.

Before 2pm I'm the patron saint of salad bowls. For breakfast, it's a low fat yoghurt and fruit, followed by salad pitta bread for lunch.

Sadly, by about 3pm, the chocolate cravings set in and by 6pm the effort of defrosting fish and chopping vegetables has sent me hurtling in the direction of the nearest take-away.

Next day the whole routine starts again. I suppose, like most dieters, I must be an eternal optimist.