A FORMER headteacher of Radcliffe High School, has died.

Mr Norman Pakes suffered a fatal heart attack last month.

He arrived at the school in 1958 as an English and geography teacher. Prior to that he had held teaching posts in Luton, where he was born, Eccles and Worsley.

In 1962 he was appointed deputy head of the boys' section and in 1967 became deputy headteacher of the whole school. He was made headteacher in 1972 and retired in 1985.

Mr Pakes, who lived in Chorlton-cum-Hardy, was a sports enthusiast, and he took a keen interest in sporting activities at the school, particularly cricket. He was also a very keen walker.

Carol Cain, who was taught by Mr Pakes and later taught alongside him as a teacher at the school, said: "I worked with him until he retired and in that time I found a man who always showed great care, support and consideration to staff and pupils alike. In return he earned their love and respect."

She added: "He touched many people's lives in this town and Radcliffe owes him a great deal."

Mr Pakes is survived by a son, Christopher.