When taking out a student loan the last thing on most people's minds is how they intend to pay it back.

But unfortunately you have to and it's something worth remembering.

Student loans are intended for full time first degree students of Higher Education Courses at universities or colleges.

The loan is designed to help with living costs, books, equipment, accommodations, child care, transport, utility costs, medical expenses, legal costs, food costs and so on.

The government, who administers this, owns the Students Loan Company. Student loans are intended for full time first degree students of Higher Education Courses at universities or colleges.

The rates for the student loan are reviewed annually, and will vary to where you are studying. Approximately 75% of the student loan is available to the majority of students, the remaining 25% is assessed on your income or your parents

You start to repay after leaving university college and when your income is £12,000 per annum, Interest is calculated to inflation, so what you repay will be what you borrowed.

For further information about student loans you can access the website at: www.slc.co.uk

For general questions and queries about the student loans scheme, or about when you receive your loan you can telephone: 0800 40 50 10.