ANY programme which provides the viewer a greater understanding of different faiths and cultures, if done well, has to be a good thing.

Living With It, which looked at three Muslim officers serving with Blackburn Police, worked because it kept things simple.

This was a programme about how those with strong beliefs balance their religious and working lives.

Blackburn-born director Ian Aspin resisted any temptation to tackle wider issues and kept his cameras focused on the practical difficulties.

How for example do officers who through their religion have to pray five times a day reconcile that with a need to work a full shift on duty?

That the programme was an enlightening half hour was in no small part due to the openness of the three officers. Both candid and articulate, they were capable of expressing the dilemmas they face on a daily basis where their job and beliefs come into conflict.

What came through was their dedication to the force and understanding of compromise. Their thoughtful approach to life and work would be a useful lesson for others.