REGARDING your report about Councillor Paul Browne's conduct at the full council meeting held on August 14, I wholeheartedly agree with the leader of the Liberal Democrat party.

If members of the public have seen the farcical antics that are now televised at the House of Commons, they compare favourably with the childish and pathetic performance of the majority Labour Party at all full council meetings held in Blackburn's council chambers.

When a point of order is raised by a councillor, the Mayor has, according to the rules set out in the constitution, to deliberate on the point of order and act upon it, regardless of the political persuasion of the councillor in breach of the rules.

On countless occasions the mayors, who are incidentally members of the Labour group, in the borough, have totally flouted these rules in favour of their own political party and act only if members of the opposing political parties step out of line. This is not democracy, but rather dictatorship.

The political bantering of the Labour group when an opposition councillor stands up to speak can be likened to chickens in a coop on the appearance of a fox.

ROBIN J EVANS, British National Party Councillor.