RESIDENTS in Burnley Wood are launching a new action group in the hope that they can bring more funds into the area.

The group is the idea of two local residents, Brian Fenn, of Back Oxford Road and Steve Gwilt, who is the landlord of the Britannia Inn, Oxford Road.

The pair decided that all the other areas in Burnley - that seemed to be attracting extra bits of funding to improve the lives of residents - had a strong residents group lobbying for improvements. They will be holding their first meeting on Thursday, September 18, and are hoping that they will get support from local residents.

Brian, who is retired, said: "We have delivered flyers about the meeting to around 1,500 houses, so we are hoping for a good turnout.

"The perception in Burnley Wood is that we are not getting our share of the funds going around, but I noticed that every other area has a strong action group and we didn't have one at all.

"Me and Steve decided we would get together and start our own."

The aims of the group will be to increase community participation, kick start community projects and activities, promote and encourage community cohesion and deliver improvements in health, crime, employment, housing and education in the Burnley Wood area.

Brian said: "One of the things we would like to do is get a play area for the children.

"At the moment, everywhere you look, there is a sign saying 'no ball games', so we would like to give them somewhere safe to play, otherwise they have play out in the street."

He added: "The area is already on the way towards change, because house prices are creeping up. Some money is already being spent here but if we can get together and try to pull in a little bit more then we might be able to make a difference." The group has already had support from Burnley Wood One Stop Shop and Burnley Community Chest who have helped to fund costs involved in setting up the first meeting.

Burnley Wood Community Action Group will have its inaugural meeting on Thursday, September 18, 6pm-8pm, at Burnley Wood One Stop Shop, in Springfield Road, Burnley.