WATER colour classes take place in the Church Rooms every Monday, between 10am and noon.

All levels of expertise, including complete beginners, are catered for.

Everyone is welcome and for more information, call 01282 431595.

WORSTHORNE School is holding its Summer Fare on June 12, from noon until 4pm, and hope that residents will once again give their support.

Activities will include a raffle, tombola, bouncy castle, body shop stall, refreshments, food, beer tent and games, as well as displays of a fire engine and police motorbike.

POLICE Community Support Office for the rural area, Dave Johnson, has secured £200 in funding for railings for the front and rear of the Reading Rooms.

The Trustees of the Reading Room Charity will now obtain estimates for the cost of the work.

Residents may remember this was one of the improvements listed in the Worsthorne Improvement Plan.

RESIDENTS from Worsthorne with Hurstwood are supporting the borough council's position of not building on greenfield land as this will ensure faster progress being made in the regeneration of the urban areas of Burnley.