IT is with increasing anger that I write this. Every week the Guide publishes letters from people shouting for a Morrison's store in Whitefield, people who seem quite happy to have a supermarket at the expense of people's homes and peace of mind.

The area around Elms Street and Elms Road is looking more and more like a ghetto every day. Properties are being boarded-up on the outside despite assurances from Mr Dransfield himself that they would be boarded up on the inside.

Also, contrary to popular opinion, most of us haven't been offered anywhere near market value for our properties and nowhere near enough to enable us to stay in Whitefield. And we have had to watch as friends and neighbours are forced out of Whitefield to try and find affordable properties. As Mr Dransfield pointed out, nobody has to sell their home but its getting increasingly difficult to have the peace of mind we seek in the "vandals' paradise" that the area is fast becoming.

Have the supermarket you want but not at my family's expense, and spare a thought for the people living on Elms Street and Elms Road who are having to live with the mess.

It's now time for Dransfield Properties to put up or shut up.