Concerning the article by Sarvat Jabeen Khan about disability in the May issue of Asian Image. I would like to say it was very interesting and disability is one thing that is largely very mis-understood in our community.

I have a disabled relative and it is true if there is any sort of disability especially with regards to a female it is seen as very shameful. There are some people who think it is some sort of punishment for the family to have a disabled person in their family.

These kind of views have nothing to do with religion but more with culture and ignorance. And I am sorry for using both those words in the same sentence.

I do feel however that we have come a long way from the time when I was much younger and the disabled were treated as 'second-class' citizens. There are people in the community who do listen but I think there should be more awareness and education about different types of disabilities.

L Habib
