In reply to the person who thinks that women shouldn't be allowed in mosques, what the do you think goes on in Mecca and Medina?

Do you think it's some kind of free for all where everybody is being bothered by Shaytan?

In this country alone there are more mosques than in the rest of Europe put together. How many of them do you think get filled everyday at every prayer time? Apart from Jumma, our 'wonderful' menfolk don't even know the way to their local mosques.

If the original writer (Miss S Moore) wants to pray inside a mosque she should be allowed to. Why can't the community people not get together and say that one (just one out of the hundreds that are empty almost everyday) mosque per town will be open for women to pray at. What is so difficult about that?

I have travelled all over the world and it seems that only in England and the Sub-continent woman aren't allowed to go in the mosques.

Via e-mail

Sufia Tailor