I was watching news coverage on BBC News24 about the recently killed hamas leader. It was studio/location interview where the presenter asked location reporter that 'what do you think of reprisal attacks from hamas?'

That reporter replied 'They are buying time and waiting for the right moment to stage a spectacular attacks'

And when I heard this word 'spectacular' I was in amazement and then worried. Because, since when can any kind of attack 'Pre-emptive' or 'Retaliatory' can be described glamorously as 'spectacular'?

All kind of attacks whether its legitimate or illegitimate are serious and should be called 'ATROCIOUS' not glamorously 'spectacular'!

As a media student I find this very disturbing, because any responsible broadcaster has a duty to use appropriate terms/words to describe any events. Otherwise, violence can be classed as thrill seeking sport as a result of these loosely used words.

Any kinds of violence acts are immoral and NOT A SINGLE RELIGION on earth endorses them.

R Master

Bala Close
