All cultures and all people can live together and I wanted to write in to tell people that the lies of the far-right can be defeated.

All it takes is some understanding. I live in an area where there are Asian people and non-Asian people and I have had some leaflets from the BNP dropped into my letterbox. I have many Asian friends and I feel ashamed that these kind of views are still being publicised in the 'civilised world'.

I read one of the leaflets and threw it into the bin. They are simply trying to tear our neighbourhood spirit apart. In every community there are good and bad people and they are just homing in on the bad experiences some people might have had.

I also was very angered with the visit of Le Pen to Manchester. He had no right being here and if he is allowed in then so should every other hate-mongers!

All people need to do is remember some twentieth century history. This election reminds me of how the Nazis in World War Two blamed all the nation's problems on the Jews.

And how they were a threat. It all began 'innocently' enough but we all know where it ended up.

G Miller
