WORLD PEACE: Politicians pledge their dedication to it, numerous Miss World's claim that they will work altruistically for it and half of the world's population seems to be waiting with halted breath in anticipation of it.

With the events of the past few years if not centuries reflected upon, a sceptical mind cannot help but consider whether this ideal of world peace is actually even within our reach.

Has there ever been a time during the existence of the earth, when man has not fought with his neighbour? From petty squabbles to slaying wars, peace has not been as much a part of history as has its parallel enemy - war.

If the most ferocious and untamed animals of the jungle manage soundly to cohabit side by side, why do we, the most complex creatures on earth, have severe difficulty in living blissfully with each other?

In my opinion great admiration must be given to groups that selflessly appeal and protest for causes such as peace.

I know that many people consider protesting to be a waste of time and an act that the more weaker members of society engage in, but I wholeheartedly believe that this is the only way forward.

A headline that is becoming more and more recurrent is the issue of suicide bombers. This is a matter that is very sensitive as there are a variety of very different opinions and I attempt by no means to even begin to contemplate these as my views are likely to be perceived as nave and biased.

However, something that can be agreed upon by us all is that a life has been lost (and undoubtedly more taken abruptly due to the act itself).

Some person, whether male or female, has felt the need to surrender their life. What drives a person to do this is truthfully beyond my understanding- it is a difficult issue for any person to get their mind around.

Their voice is not heard, listened to or acted upon and so their life is used as their voice.

This brings me back to my original point - our voice needs to be heard.

The events posts September 11th have occurred during our adult lives, unlike previous wars watched by our parents and sadly I have seen that the people who we chose to represent US, sometimes make decisions that are not a true reflection of US.

There is a need for people who are in power to be like a mirror of our communities. However, if our community's reflection is not united how can we possibly expect those who represent us to remain bonded to us and speak on our behalf?

We seem to be trapped in a very vicious circle and no-one seems to be prepared to take on the task of clearing up the mess. We blame Tony Blair and his sidekicks for taking us to Iraq and for making the UK play a part in the Bush-Blair charade, but it is us that must bear some of this burden of blame.

It is our communities that should have united and voiced our opinions from the rooftops of our own towns on a local level, before the message could be delivered to London on a national. I consider politicians to be rather like puppets - we control the strings that we should have been pulling a very long time ago.

Saying all that, I do not think that it is too late.

Most wars concern land - someone is on their land and they simply want it back. Why can't the great minds of this world, sit down like civilised beings and talk this matter through? Where is the UN when it is needed most? Why the need to resort to violence and criminal killings? The question as to whether this can actullay be done remains to be seen- but we can only be proved wrong.

What is clearly evident is that there is a need for us to rationally unit, regardless of race, religion or colour. Common to us all is this ideal - peace. But peace is an element that can never be found- it MUST be created.