YEAR after year, pet owners and their pets are subjected to four months of misery and torture caused by fireworks, in order to celebrate November 5, Guy Fawkes Day, a man who was in fact a traitor and was executed as such.

With fox hunting almost a thing of the past, a victory for animal lovers may I add, isn't it time we looked closer to home and looked after our elderly and our household pets?

New legislation has now made it illegal to set off fireworks between the hours of 11pm and 7am. The penalty for breaking this law being a fine of up to £5,000 and/or six months imprisonment.

There is also a restriction on the noise level with no firework being louder than 120 decibels.

So what difference will this make to the millions of people and animals that dread this time of year? In one word, 'none.'

Being a pet owner myself the new laws mean that I can safely exercise my faithful friend between the hours of 11pm and 7am but just what does my dog do for 16 hours during the day -- sit with its legs crossed?

The decibel level of 120 does nothing to alter the horrendous explosions that we have to suffer every year, the only people that will benefit from this will be those who live in the vicinity of an airport, as 120 decibels is the equivalent of a jet aircraft taking off, furthermore just who is going to enforce these new laws?

Over 80 per cent of the public think that fireworks should only be allowed at public displays, but this government hasn't got the backbone to implement what the public want.

So for the next four months we pet lovers will watch our pets terrified, cowering and shivering in the corner, and pray that things will be better next year.

Incidentally, I recommend that the first magistrate or judge to implement the £5,000 fine and six months imprisonment be granted a knighthood.

JAMES ALLAN, Blackburn.